Islam has attached great importance to knowledge and education.  This is why whenever Allah choses any of His servant as His messenger, the first thing He does is to educate him. He made him to have knowledge of what He wants him to do.
In the history of Adam in the Quran, Allah made us to know that after the creation of Adam he commanded the angels to bow for him because he knows what the angels knows not.  Allah said:
“And He taught Adam the names – all of them.  Then He showed them to the angels and said, inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.”
Also, the first revelation sent to the seal of the prophets, prophet Muhammad (SAW) was about knowledge and education.  Allah said in the Quran:

“Read! In the name of your Lord who created (all that exist).  Read! And your Lord is the most generous.  Who has taught (the writing) by the pen.  He has taught man what he knows not.”  (Quran 96:1-5)

Before that, it is necessary we remember that prophet Muhammad (SAW) was unlettered, he cannot read and write but after he has been chosen as prophet, he happen to be the most eloquent, educated and knowledgeable among the creature till the end of time.
The above verses of the Quran let us know how important education and knowledge are in Islam.  In one hadith Qudsi, Allah said:

“Know ME, search for the knowledge about ME before you worship me.  How can he who does not know ME worship ME?”

Also, the prophet Muhammad (SAW) said in one of his ahadith narrated by ibn Malik.  The prophet said:
“Seeking knowledge is a duty (compulsory) upon every Muslim."

These ahadith are making it clear that Islam is a religion of knowledge and education.  It cannot be done correctly except with knowledge and education.
This is why every Muslim must seek knowledge, especially about Islam.
NOTE:  knowledge in this context is the knowledge about Islam but that doesn’t mean other kinds of knowledge are prohibited.  Seeking other knowledge that will make life easier and suitable is also welcome and even necessary for every Muslims. Seeking western education, or about any profession is not prohibited in as much it is not going to take you out of the right path (Islam).
Any knowledge that goes against the teachings of Islam, no matter how useful it may be is haram.
Seek for the right knowledge and ask Allah to increase you in knowledge and understanding.

And Allah knows best.


Writer: Adebayo Mubarak (D-Blessed Pen)

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