Written by: Dr. Adebayo Tajudeen (Chief Imam, Falomo Central Mosque, Lagos)
We cannot talk about Ramadan without reference to those golden popular verses of Surat Baqara
2:183 with which Allah ordained fasting:
O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed on those before you so that you may attain piety. (Fasting) for number of days, but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship) is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will, it is better for him. And it is better for you that you fast, if you only knew.Life itself is a journey, while Ramadan is a spiritual journey within a journey through life. Ramadan is an institution of learning, to study an array of discipline, medicine, Law, sociology, economics etc. An admission examination to this institution is conducted by Allah, not by any human agency that can be biased. Its requirements are: Iman, Puberty, Good health, Residency and Sighting of the moon. Only the fortunate ones will gain admission to this blessed institution.
Two companions accepted Islam same day. One of them died same year in a Jihad while the other died the following year naturally. Another companion saw them in a dream that the one that died later was admitted to paradise before the Martyr. When the Prophet was asked about the reason, he said, it was because the latter was privileged to observe another one year prayer and fasting which gave him an edge to the martyr.
Importance of Fasting:
Because of its spiritual peculiarity, Allah attributes fasting to Himself unlike any other act of Ibadah.Narrated Abu Hurairah from the Prophet (SAW) that Allah the Exalted said: ‘Every action of child of Adam is for him except fasting, it is for me and I shall reward it. By Him in whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad (SAW), the odour of the mouth of a fasting person is dearer to Allah than the fragrance of musk’
Like other institutions, there are some courses that are major (Required) courses such as General Studies and there are minor (Elective) courses.The 1ST major course is fasting itself to instil self restraint in Muslims through volountary abstinence from all forms of muftirat (Things that can vitiate fast): a fasting Muslim is required to abstain from food, drink, sex, and other things that can break fast from down till sun set. Hunger and taste is one of the ways to tame human greed and lust. The Messenger of Allah was asked about what will lead many people to hell fire and he said: the tongue and the genitals.
Fasting is here to drill Muslims on this important exercise to attain piety.
• A Course in Sabr: (Patience): A course in sociology: Social interaction requires a lot of patience. We take a course in tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Live and let live, wish for others what you wish for yourself.
A fasting Muslim must be patient, and accommodating to be able to get to the desired destination. A fasting person should not be rude to others, nor insult them. Rather, he should subject all the parts of his body to fasting.
• Fasting offers another social course in self control/self restraint against greed and lust. In Ramadan, there is reduction in all social vices, Zina, Theft etc because the evil jins who are prompting men to engage in those things are on chain. Fasting is a shield against all vices.
• Fasting takes Muslim on a course in kindness and sharing. Capitalist way of life is responsible for some of the problems we face in the modern world. Selfishness has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. In fasting, every Muslim tries to earn additional reward by giving fasting Muslims something to break his fast.
That is why those who are conscious of this are always willing to host other Muslims during Ramadan for Iftar.
Feeding is highly encouraged in Islam especially in Ramadan. This is because; food is one of the basic necessities of life. When the Rasul came to Madina, the 1st statement reported from him was that: Feed people, spread the greetings of peace and observe prayer in the night when people are asleep, you will be able enter paradise in peace.
Once hunger is removed from the list of a man’s problem, it becomes light. Feeding is also recommended as atonement for those who, for one valid reason or the other, to feed others:
The terminally sick or with ailment like chronic ulcer, hard labour, pregnant/suckling mother who is medically declared unfit to fast, the aged man are encouraged to feed in lieu of fasting. Likewise, offenders like ZIHAR, KILLING, and BREAKING FAST without any excuse should adopt any of 3 options; emancipating a slave, feeding 60 people or fasting for 60 consecutive days.
• Fasting provides an avenue for the rich to have a taste of what the poor goes through throughout the year. It is not meant to punish you but to train you.
• We are also taking a minor course unknowingly in economics during the fasting. As we reduce our food intakes, we suppose to safe the more or better still we extend hands of benevolence to others. The Prophet (SAW) said: Ramadan is a month during which the provision of a Muslim is enlarged.
During the month, food sellers, greengrocers make more money among others. Many media houses plan their budgets based on Islamic programmes.
Besides that, the more you spend, the more you get. Allah SWT says: Whatever you spend shall be replenished.
• We take a spiritual course in recitation of Qur’an: It is a highly rewarding venture in the month of Ramadan. The revelation of Qur’an as a whole from Lawh al-Mahfuz (Protected Divine Tabloid) to Bayt l Izzah (the holy Mosque in the 1st heaven) took place in Ramadan. Its revelation in piecemeal over a period of 23 yeays also commenced in Ramadan. Angel Jibril used to come to revise the whole Qur’an with the Prophet in Ramadan once except the year of his death when he read it all over twice.
Those of us who cannot read the Qur’an should start making efforts to lean as nobody is too old to learn.
• Umrah in Ramadan: One of the non-compulsory courses, but highly rewarding in Ramadan is Umrah. In a narration, Umrah in Ramadan is like hajj with the Prophet SAW. That is why those who have the means do not like to miss it to the extent that some have turned it to an annual social gathering that must be done even if some other necessary activities will suffer.
• Reducing the work loads of our fasting staff: It is also highly rewarding that Muslims who are employers of labour or bosses in companies that we should reduce the volumes of work of our fellow Muslims under us out of kindness because Ramadan is a month of kindness.
When we patiently take all these compulsory and elective courses, what do we stand to gain?
Insha Allah in our next post, we will be answering the question above. i.e what we stand to gain.
Watch out!!!
Do drop your comments and contributions as it is going to help us improve more.
Thanks for this, May Allah bless you more.
ReplyDeleteWaiting for the part two of this insha Allah.