In my last post, I promise to continue with what we stand to gain from Ramadan.  Sit back and enjoy the second part of this interesting post from Dr. Adebayo Tajudeen (Chief Imam, Falomo Central Mosque, Lagos)

Gains of Ramadan
TAQWA (Piety): is one of the major gains of fasting as featured in the Qura’n – ‘So that you may attain piety’ Taqwa is the main certificate we obtain from the University of Ramadan. Taqwa is required for success in this World and the Hereafter. How can we define Taqwa? There are so many definitions of Taqwa, but the most acceptable to me is the one which says: It is the fear of Allah, the Most Gracious, working in line with the Revelation (Qur’an) and preparing for death. 
Taqwah leads to Ihsan- Righteousness which means worshipping Allah as if you can see him. Even if you cannot see him, He is definitely seeing you.
Fasting teaches Muslims how to feel existence of Allah wherever they may be. Fasting is not monitored by any security operative, yet we still comply with it. If only the lessons of Taqwa gained in Ramadan could be translated to the larger society, crime rate would have been reduced drastically. Obeying Allah in open and disobeying Him in secrete is a very serious offence. In a narration on the authority of Thaoban, the Messenger of Allah said: He knows some groups  of his followers whose deeds will be wasted on the Day of Resurrection. When Thaoban requested for their charsteristics, the Prophet said: these are the people who pray and fast regularly like other believers. But when they are alone they violate the rules of Allah secretly.   
Taqwah is pre-requisite to acceptance of good deeds: It is the source of wisdom, and wisdom is required for success:  It is also a way way out of every problem:

·        Another gain of Ramadan fasting is Istijaba (acceptance of supplication). Allah inserts the aayat of assurance in the verses of fasting in Surah Baqara.
We should not be too in a hurry to leave the Masjid without making Dua especially at the time of Iftar. We ask for goodness of this World as well as that of the Hereafter. Let me just add this, no supplication of a believer will go unanswered. It might be in one of the 3 ways; as he wishes, to ward off a calamity or be rewarded for it in the Hereafter. 
·        Fasting is the period of forgiveness. Allah frees people from the punishment of hell en mass in Ramadan.
The forgiveness and emancipation from hell reach its peak during the Night of Majesty; a night which is better than 1000 months.

·        Fasting also has medical value. Most of those ailments we suffer are as a result of our food habits. Fasting provides an annual opportunity for our systems to rest. The Prophet SAW is reported to have said: Observe fasting so that you can become hail and healthy.
Fasting is not a mere rearrangement of meals. One should not consume all the missed meals at the time of Iftar. If you have extra food, consider your neighbours who might not have any.
Tarawih is a non-obligatory prayer that has been strategically fixed to allow us burn some calories before going to bed. Even though it was not ordained by the Prophet to be done in congregation, it has become one of the beauties of Ramadan to the extent that some think, erroneously, that without Tarawih, fasting is not valid. 
·        Al-Jannah: the ultimate gain/destination: Paradise is the ultimate destination for the fasting Muslims. In the Month of Ramadan, paradise goes through a lot of facelift and its doors are thrown wide open while the gates of Hell fire are closed. A special gate called Rayyan is made for those Muslims who fast regularly. 
·        Things to be avoided: Backbiting, vain talk, fighting, lying, embezzlement, bribes or any form of haram.
Finally, Fasting in Ramadan is a spiritual journey that leads to various destinations, the final of which is Al-Jannah. If we can replicate the sense of fasting in our social, political and mundane life in general, certainly our society will be better for it. If we can use the piety displayed in fasting in dealing with public trust, certainly our nation will be a heaven on earth for all and sundry.

Do drop your comments and contributions as it is going to help us improve more.

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