Allah told us how He created the first being, Adam, how He commanded the angels and how Satan refused and thus became accursed.
Allah says:
“And (remember) when we said to the angels: prostrate yourselves before Adam. And they prostrate except Iblis (Satan, he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers (disobedient of Allah).” (Quran 2:34).
In this verse, Satan refused to obey the commandment of Allah claiming that he was superior to Adam. In another verse Allah said he said he was created from fire and Adam was created from dust. And because of his disobedience, Allah cursed him and sent him out His mercy.
Allah created Adams wife from Adam and put both of them in the paradise. He said:
“And we said: O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight, of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of the wrong-doers.” (Quran 2:35).
Allah made all in the facilities in the paradise lawful for them to eat except just one tree. But according to the plan of Allah, which He informed the angels at the beginning, He said He wanted to place (mankind) generation after generation on earth not in the paradise, Adam and his wife yielded to the advice of Satan, (their enemy) by eating from the forbidden tree. . Allah sent them (Adam and wife) to the earth. Allah said:
“Then the Satan made them slip therefrom (paradise) and got them out from that which they were. We said: get you down, all, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time.”
From the verse quoted above, it’s clear that Satan (iblis) is the enemy of all human being, he became the accursed because of his enmity to Adam and his wife. Adam and his wife were also sent out of the paradise because they took advice from their enemy (enemy).
Relating this history to the life of human being, man knows that Satan is his enemy yet, he still take him to be his special adviser. Human being finds it difficult to follow the commandment of his creator and finds the advice of his enemy as the best option to follow.
This is just like a politician that contest for a post and won. He needed a special adviser so as to succeed in that post, is it not going to be foolish of him to choose his opponent during the election as the special adviser? And Allah has warned us in verses of the Quran not to follow the path of Satan that he is our obvious enemy.
For human not to make the same mistake Adam and wife made on account of which they were sent out of the paradise, human being needs to repent to his creator and should take Allah and His messenger (SAW) as special advisers otherwise he will end up in hell fire. Make them as the special adviser by taking the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet as the manual of life,abide by the do’s and abstain from the don’ts. That is the only way to end up in paradise.
Ask yourself, who is your special adviser?
And Allah knows Best.
Written by: Adebayo Mubarak I(D-Blessed Pen)
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